image: Purple Potential Logo The world is changing... Are you ready?
image: Purple Potential

Our Approach

So what can PurplePotential do for you?

Well, it might be best to start with what we won't do!
  • PurplePotential will NOT produce 'off the shelf' interventions because you, your people and your organisation are unique. Of course there are many common themes that are present within any system but we keep an open mind until the diagnostic phase is complete.
  • PurplePotential will NOT focus on finding 'problems' that need expensive 'solutions'. We adopt a strengths-based approach that looks to the future not the past. Ask Tiger Woods why he ensures 90% of his energy is channelled into where he is about to go and only 10% into where he has just been and see what he says! Your organisation is not a problem waiting to be fixed by consultants!
  • PurplePotential will NOT deliver interventions that leave you addicted to more. We believe passionately in building capability within organisations that can sustain improved performance.
  • Our vision of success is that you won’t need us anymore!
images: tension By adopting a 'whole systems' view and establishing the current situation through a 3 phase diagnostic process they will quickly and cost-effectively:
  • Identify the main causes of the sponsor's concerns
  • Establish where the system can be developed
  • Identify options to improve performance across the system

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